Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What Increases Your Auto Insurance Rates

There are certain factors and circumstances that will increase our auto insurance rates. While some of these factors maybe of no fault of our own, we do have control some circumstances. Some of the factors that we can not control that increase our auto insurance rates are things such as our age and gender. Drivers who are under 25 years old will pay costly insurance rates simply due to their age, their insurance premiums maybe double the costs that they would pay if they were older. The reason for the expensive premiums to young drivers is simply because they are what insurance companies call high risk drivers. Once a driver turns 25, their insurance premiums will drop substantially. Gender is also a uncontrollable factor that may increase auto insurance rates. Males get the short end of the stick here because insurance companies have come to the conclusion that males get in more accidents than females. Another interesting factor to note here is that a married man will get lower insurance rates than an unmarried man, even if they have the same identical driving record. Even though you can't control your age or gender, there are other factors that you can control that will keep your insurance rates down. Your driving record has a huge affect on your premiums, if you have a bad driving record there will be increase in your auto insurance rates. Keep moving violations to a minimum and you will feel the savings. Having a bad credit history will also increase your auto insurance rates. A you know, credit plays a big part in everything in our lives these days and insurance isn't exception. Other factors that will increase your auto insurance rates include they type of vehicle you drive and where you live. If drive a rare and expensive vehicle and live in a neighborhood that has high crime rates, you will pay more than someone who drives a small compact car and lives in a low crime neighborhood. www.autoinsurancecenter.com

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